You can now pay RTA Traffic Fines in Interest free installments

7 leading banks, 12 monthly installments

Dubai’s Road and Transport Authority (RTA) has recently partnered with seven leading banks to introduce a new service where drivers can pay incurred fines via their credit cards without added interest. This move has been made in accordance with RTA’s ongoing efforts to boost economic growth and customer satisfaction. The Executive Director of Finance at RTA’s Corporate Administrative Support Services Sector, Ahmed Al Kaabi stated that: “RTA has launched this service to enable clients to pay fines due to RTA in easy installments through credit cards over a period of one year without incurring bank interests.”  Al Kaabi also added that besides the seven banks listed; more banks will be joining in this service venture. Currently, the banks offering this service are:
  • Mashreq Bank
  • Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
  • Dubai Islamic Bank
  • Emirates NBD
  • Noor Bank
  • Emirates Islamic Bank
  • Commercial Bank International
Customers are required to download the smart phone RTA DUBAI APP to complete the payment process.
This service is provided for all UAE vehicles not just for Dubai registered automobiles. The good news is that drivers do not have an amount limit on fines to qualify for installments. Previously, Dubai based motorists who had accumulated AED 5000 or more of fines and corporations with AED 20,000+ fines were eligible to pay the RTA through the cheque installments payment system.
  • Performance - /10
  • Driving Pleasure - /10
  • Look and Style - /10
  • Fuel Economy - /10
  • Value for Money - /10
Juan Manuel
the authorJuan Manuel
Track racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else.