RTA offers discounts on 3 digit vehicle number plates

Discounts valid until stocks last


In a step aimed at raising customers’ satisfaction levels and distinctive number plate enthusiasts happiness, Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is offering a discount on three-digit vehicle licensing plates.

The discount will reduce the price of the three-digit plate to AED 179,999 including VAT and will be valid until stocks last.

“This initiative, which has been endorsed by the Board of Executive Directors, stems from RTA’s keenness to raise customers’ satisfaction rating. It also echoes one of RTA’s main strategic goals aimed at raising people happiness,” said Jamal Assada, Director of RTA’s Vehicle Licensing, Licensing Agency.

“Among the three-digit plates on offer are: T 738, J 945 and P 682 in addition to several other fancy plates, and customers are entitled to buy more than one plate. RTA always seeks to roll out new initiatives and improve services to make customers happier through keeping pace with their needs and expectations, which are a top priority of RTA,” concluded Assada.

Interested clients can screen these numbers through RTA’s website (www.rta.ae), customers’ happiness centers, or centers of service providers.

  • Performance - /10
  • Driving Pleasure - /10
  • Look and Style - /10
  • Fuel Economy - /10
  • Value for Money - /10
Juan Manuel
the authorJuan Manuel
Track racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else.